Why chewing Gums are a dentist’s Best friends

If munching on gum is your way of activating your thought process but are worried about the side effects of that chewing gum, then you are going to be pleasantly surprised. Experts say that it can be in fact good for your oral health but with conditions applied. So read below to know what is best for your pearly whites

What is this gum?
An attractive alternative to candy, chewing gum is loved by people of all ages. Where children love the burst of juicy, tangy flavor, adults like it for the freshness factor.
Chewing gum is a blend of elastomers, resins and waxes in variable proportions. Artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, Sorbitol or Mannitol are used. It may also typically contain softeners, flavouring and coloring agents
Sugarless Gums.
According to Dentzz reviews, the sugar-free gums contain artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and Acesulfame potassium both of which are regarded as safe by FDA. Xylitol is the best of artificial sweeteners; however, it’s a bit pricey compared to others.

The Exact Physiology
It’s a well-known fact that our oral cavity is home to thousands of bacteria. These form colonies on our teeth and are visible in the form of dental plaque, a white coloured soft deposit.
These bacteria also love sugars the way we do. They breakdown the sugars to make energy, however, the drawback is the production of acid in the process. These acids then further breakdown the enamel of your tooth by dissolving the calcium in it. The result – caries or more commonly known cavities.
Thankfully, we have saliva to our rescue which washes away these bacteria and prevent caries. So when you chew gum, this saliva production is stimulated which prevents these bacteria from sticking to your teeth. Saliva also contains neutralising agents that counteract the acid also produced, the calcium and phosphorus present in it help in remineralizing the tooth.

Some artificial sweeteners such as Xylitol have an inhibitory effect on bacterial adhesion, i.e. it prevents bacteria from sticking to the tooth surface thus directly preventing cavities
Some chewing gums also contain additional therapeutic agents that may prevent gingivitis and reduce plaque as well
So, now you know that sugarless gums are best for you.

Don’t replace brushing and flossing with chewing gum
Chewing gum can only act as a supplement or adjunct to your daily oral hygiene regimen but cannot ever replace it.

Dentzz reviews says that brushing twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste and flossing your teeth once a day with regular floss or interproximal cleaners is the best way to protect your pearly whites.

Dentzz Review by William from New Jersey, USA

Dentzz Review by William from New Jersey, USA flew down to India for dental treatment at Dentzz Dental. After the treatment he had nothing but praise for the experience. In his Dentzz review, he shares how he found the doctors to be very professional, the quality of service to be fantastic and that he is happy with the results.

Come down and experience the exemplary service at a Dentzz Dental Care Centre in India. Situated in prime locations in Mumbai and Delhi, the Dentzz Dental Care Centre offers a wide range of dental services. Make an online appointment at your convenience and receive the finest Cosmetic, Implant, Conventional and Preventive dentistry services available.

Find a solution to all your dental concerns at Dentzz.
Book an appointment now – http://bit.ly/2bnCqYX

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Did You Know? Gum Disease Affects More Than Just the Mouth.

Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems affecting several individuals worldwide. It is caused by bacteria in the mouth that can lead to inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease which can cause swollen, red and bleeding gums. If not treated on time, gingivitis can advance to periodontists which is characterized by receding gums and tooth loss. However, note that gum disease not only affects your mouth but can have a far-reaching impact on your body also. Read on to know more.

  • Fertility

Studies have shown that women with gum disease take a higher time to conceive than women who don’t have the disease. Periodontal disease is also linked with pre-mature child birth which can cause health risks for the baby. However, treating the disease during pregnancy has proved to be effective—with most women having a normal delivery. Further, fertility specialists also require women to be free of gum disease or to undergo treatment of the disease. This affirms that gum disease affects fertility which can however be prevented through treatment, proper oral care and hygiene habits.

  •  Heart Disease

Gum disease causes inflammation which can lead to hardened arteries. This can disrupt the blood flow to the heart which can cause a heart attack. Also, swollen gums are the main symptom of gingivitis which is caused by bacteria that thrive on plaque build ups in the mouth. This bacteria can manage to escape into the bloodstream and cause inflammation in the body which is one of the reasons for heart disease and arthritis.

  •  Alzheimer’s disease

In a study published online in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, it was found that people who didn’t take their dental health seriously were at a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Amongst these, since older people have reduced abilities to take care of their dental health, they are highly likely to contract the disease. Studies also show that bacteria which is persistent in gum disease can enter the bloodstream through a simple stimulation like eating or chewing. This bacteria can reach the brain and kill brain cells, thus causing chemical changes in the brain, leading to cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s.

Besides the above, gum disease is also said to be linked with diabetes, lung and respiratory disorders. Timely treatment and going for regular check-ups can help curb the progression of gum disease and reduce the risk of other diseases as well.

Determine Your Dental Age with Your Common Dental Habits

Did you know that there is something called as dental age? Just like your chronological age, your dental age is a measure that considers the condition of your teeth to establish if you look younger or older than you actually are. As our bodies age, our teeth age too. Our teeth undergo several changes which can be severe or moderate depending on our dental habits and oral hygiene.

Dentzz Dental- What's Your Dental Age

Analyse your mouth now and consider the following indicators to establish your dental age:

  • Healthy teeth and pink gums: These individuals come across as the young ones and barely have a history of dental problems. They hardly have any cavities or tooth decay and require minimal dental treatments such as teeth whitening and cleaning.
  • Stained teeth: If you smoke regularly, there is a high probability that you might have stained or darkened teeth.
  • Receding gums: Lack of proper oral hygiene can lead to receding gums and make our teeth look longer. This can be a symptom of gum disease and should be treated immediately.
Read the complete article on: http://bit.ly/1PqZqBp

What are the Signs of Periodontal Diseases?

An ideal way to tell if your gums are healthy is if they are pink, firm and do not bleed. The gum colour may be an indicator of your health in most situations, but it can also be a product of various factors such asgenetics and ethnicity.

Irrespective of the cause, each one of us desires to have pink gums and achieve that radiant smile. Read on to learn more about the causes of dark gums and what you can do to treat them.

Dentzz- How to Make Your Gums Pink.png

  • High pigmentation

Heredity and ethnic background play an important role in developing the colour of your gums.Few people have a high level of melanin production in their body which causes naturally darker gums. The gums may not appear pink but brown or black. This is perfectly normal and commonly found across darker skinned races.

  • Smoking

Studies have shown that regular smokers develop darker gums as compared to non-smokers.

  • Poor dental habits

Improper dental habits such as irregular brushing patterns, not flossing and skipping dentist appointments can lead to poor oral hygiene which can cause darker gums.

  • Underlying disease

Darker gums can also be a symptom of gum disease. Along with dark gums, it can also cause swelling, redness and bleeding of gums.

Read the complete article on: http://bit.ly/1UMiBMz

Addressing Some of the Common Dental Problems

We all love eating food, but do not bother to remember to take care of our teeth. The most common dental problems that most people face includes cavities, tooth discolouration and periodontal problems. The worst part about these problems are that they can be completely avoided with proper care.

5 Oral Health Dental Issues in India

One of most common cause of a majority of dental ailments is plaque. Plaque is a thin film that develops on the surface of the teeth. This gets accumulated by the consumption of sugary foods, fizzy or aerated drinks, chocolates and candies and carbohydrate rich food.

One of the most important thing that most of us would have to be aware of is that we would constantly be exposed to a number of dental problems and issues if proper oral hygiene methods are not followed. Patients who have undergone treatments at Dentzz Dental clinics vouch for the importance of oral hygiene in the various Dentzz review that they write.

Read the complete article on: http://bit.ly/1mUn5Dm

Why are Adults at Risk for Tooth Decay?

There is no one reason for tooth decay in adults. It is a long process, which happens over time when there is no proper care or a good oral hygiene routine in perspective. Dentzz review says that while cavities are treatable, many times, if proper care is not taken, it may lead to several complications in the mouth.

What are the Causes of Tooth Decay

One of the main myths today is that only children can get cavities, but that is not the case. It is not necessarily children who get cavities. Anyone can get cavities irrespective of their age, if they do not have a good oral care routine. Therefore it becomes important for children as well as adults to have a proper oral care regime that is followed thoroughly. The basics of brushing and flossing daily are imperative. Dentzz review will tell you how dentists will remove the decayed portion of your teeth, scoop it out and clean the area. Crowns, root canal, and fillings are three very basic treatments. In crowns, if the tooth is a total lost cause, then a different tooth is placed in its place.

Read the complete article on: http://bit.ly/24mTDbd

Dental Complications of Eating Disorders

What you eat and how you eat plays a very important role in maintaining oral health. Even though eating disorders are for the system, they may negatively impact your teeth and create cavities. Being one of the leading causes of malnutrition in the USA, eating disorders have created a massive outrage among parents. Even then, young children continue to repeat this cycle and harm their oral health. Diseases like anorexia and bulimia are not just dangerous for your overall health but specifically so for your mouth and teeth.

Dentzz- Impact of Eating Disorders

Your teeth do not get enough nutrients to stay strong and at the same time they are being eroded by the high level of sugar in these fad “diet” food. Diet food are usually very high in their acidic content. When this acidic content touches the teeth, it starts to erode them slowly and steadily. Over a period of time, you can see visible damage to your enamel. Dentzz review explain the problems that were caused by these unwanted chemicals and how people got treated for them.

Dentists usually advice people who are still suffering and who are under treatment should be asked to rinse their mouth every time after eating. This way, the harmful acids will not create problems later. Avoid acidic and fizzy food. Say no to sodas and colas. Brush your teeth more often than you do. Clean your mouth every time after you eat.

Ways to Maintain Oral Healthy During Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for cancer. Being an invasive treatment, it can mean a lot of problems for your oral healthcare. Dentists always suggest that special care should taken during cancer treatment, during risk of infections and also if you’re not eating or drinking normally. Chemo uses drugs to kill the cancerous cells but it also causes a lot of side effects. So how can you take care of your mouth during chemotherapy? It is recommended that you talk to your dentist one month prior to starting your chemotherapy. This way, your dentist can help you chart a proper course and the best ways to maintain your oral healthcare.

Oral Care During Chemotherapy at Dentzz

If a person undergoing chemo has conditions like cavities, gum problems, abscesses then there are chances of the problem getting worse and may experience some bleeding from the gums. It may also cause sores and sharp irritation and pain in the teeth.  But with proper medication, one can eliminate the pain and the soreness. Extra care needs to be taken of the mouth to ensure that the problem does not get out of hand. Brush your teeth thrice a day and floss regularly. Have a diet which is low in sugar and salt content. It be should be nutritious and well balanced to ensure proper eating. Several patients who have visited Dentzz for their treatment mention in their Dentzz review how proper care and basic steps were taught to them by our experts.

How Many Dental X-rays are Too Many?

You realise you need to visit a dentist. You are terrified and dread the excruciating procedure. Apart from the agony, something that can add fuel to your flaming defiance would be the question of safety of dental x-rays. Perhaps, a bold and deliberating question that needs some contemplation on your part.

An X-ray is a type of radiation, emitting energy that can pass through soft tissue but gets trapped by dense tissue. It is usually advised when your dentist suspects a problem with your oral health. Often prescribed to inspect a cavity, fillings, infections, etc., an X-ray is also commonly recommended for children and smokers. It is non-invasive, helps detect abnormalities and is usually a guiding factor for many dental problems.


Exposure to radiation can have its effects, be it natural or man-made. Specifically speaking for the dental practice, an x-ray produces a small amount of radiation. This amount alone has no potential consequence on the well-being of an individual; however being exposed to it multiple times can have a damaging effect on the body cells. Hence, it is usually recommended only when required.

Overall, X-rays are safe and have negligible exposure risks. The potential risk depends upon the safety measures used and the frequency of the exposures. Also, the pros of dental x-rays outshine the cons. Dental X-rays help to:

  • Detect areas of decay invisible to the doctor with an oral exam
  • Check the bony area around the teeth and see for gum disease
  • Find cavities
  • Disclose changes in the bone or in the root canal due to infection
  • Look at the tooth roots
  • Reveal an abscess or a cyst or an infection
  • Monitor the status of developing teeth

Also, if you are pregnant, you can tell your doctor about it as he/she can take additional steps to minimise the radiation and hence its effects; though it is negligible when you’re protected with a lead apron.

Hence, dental x-rays are beneficial and usually harmless if all the precautionary steps are taken by the dentist to limit the radiation in this regard. On the other hand, you can do some homework on the practices used by the dental clinic you are planning to go to. Advancement in dentistry technology in recent times through the use of digital radiography, radiation shields, better films, etc. have reduced the risks associated with radiation. Also, look for the use of suitable lead aprons while taking an x-ray and also check the hygienic conditions.

There are a number of clinics in India that provide dental treatments involving the use of x-ray. Cherry-picking one can be a vexing task. In this context, most Dentzz review have been particularly noteworthy. Using state of the art equipment and employing best professional practises, Dentzz is one of the few trusted dental clinics in India. X-ray procedures are safe here and all precautionary measures are taken to lessen any radiation risks. Moreover, the ambience here is comfortable and the doctors make your experience a pain free one.

So the next time, you have a tooth ache, remember to do your research, procure complete details and get the best service available to you. Beauty essentially lies in details, especially when they are for your teeth.